Holidays in ERTE

Delyser Abogados > right 1 minute > Holidays in ERTE

Frequently asked questions about holidays while you are in an ERTE and their answers.

Summer is coming and many of you wonder, what will happen to your vacation, Do I have the right to enjoy them? or can I cancel my vacation and continue working?

Are vacation days generated while in ERTE?

  • Contract suspension ERTE:

While a worker is in a contract suspension ERTE will not generate vacation days, However, if they count Social Security.

  • ERTE to reduce working hours:

As long as the worker is in a reduced working day ERTE, he will generate vacations in proportion to the working day.


Do I have the right to enjoy my vacation during an ERTE?

  • Contract suspension ERTE:

While the worker is in a contract suspension ERTE, nothing prevents you from spending time traveling during ERTE (insisting it's not about vacation enjoyment). Nevertheless, if the company asks you to rejoin, you must be present.

  • ERTE to reduce working hours:

If the worker is in an ERTE situation of reduced hours, you can enjoy your generated holiday, as long as the company remains in ERTE.

Can the company make me take a vacation?

The company cannot decide the vacations of the employees. An agreement must be established between the parties.


Is it possible to cancel my vacation this summer?

  • Contract suspension ERTE:

If the worker is in an ERTE situation of suspension of the contract, the vacations that they have previously requested will be canceled.

  • ERTE to reduce working hours:

If the worker is in a reduced working day ERTE and does not want to enjoy their vacation this summer due to the pandemic situation, there must be a negotiation between the company and the worker.


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