The 8 most read articles this 2019

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A few days ago the year ended 2019, with the aim of reviewing the highlights of our legal news, The Delyser Abogados team has decided to prepare a section with the most read articles on our blog in the previous year.

Is a Data Protection Delegate necessary for the Dental Clinics?

In a short time, it will be a year since the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) that was a before and after in the processing of personal data that are carried out in the European Union. The truth is, at least for once, Our country had very advanced and demanding legislation on this matter, so adaptation to the new regulation is being easier than for other countries in our environment…Keep reading

The Right to Digital Disconnection

Do workers have the right to digital disconnection and privacy against the use of video surveillance and geolocation devices? After various legislative initiatives, The transposition into the legal system of the European General Data Protection Regulation has been the Organic Law 3/2018 from 5 December on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD onwards) who has introduced measures to guarantee the privacy of workers against the use of video surveillance and geolocation devices, as well as… Keep reading

How to value a Dental Clinic?

During the last years, the dental sector has suffered a disproportionate increase in our country. Currently there are, approximately, some 38.000 collegiate dentists and more than 24.000 registered dental clinics, what supposes a big increase with regard to previous years. With these figures, Spain has an excessively high number of dentists in relation to its number of inhabitants, since the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the existence of 1 dentist for each 3.500 inhabitants and those figures are far exceeded in our country, that says… Keep reading

Legal advice for traveling by plane

If you are going to travel by plane this vacation, there are several problems that you can face. At Delyser Abogados we want you to enjoy your trip to the fullest, because, we provide you with the most frequent rights of passengers: Overbooking (denied boarding). In case your flight is without capacity for more passengers, la compañía aérea you will need to look for volunteers that they renounce their reserves in exchange for certain benefits that both parties agree… Keep reading

Without patients there are no admissions and without them there is no clinic

Recent changes in the dental sector have made the “search for new patients” become one of the most important and, at once, more complicated management of a dental clinic. Large chains of dental clinics allocate significant financial resources to attracting new patients, to those who, once your interest in your dental health is captured, sus comerciales se encargan de convince them, - based on current financing formulas-, to perform those great rehabilitative treatments… Keep reading

The controversial and dangerous Model 720

Obligations of residents in Spain with assets abroad. Since the year 2012, All those taxpayers who own assets and rights located abroad may be obliged to present the model 720. Who is required to submit this model? Both headlines, authorized, beneficiaries, persons or entities with power of disposal or beneficial ownership that have accounts, values, rights, income insurance… Keep reading

Granting a will is it necessary?

By making a will we are not going to die and yet we are avoiding a lot of problems for our heirs. Dying without the will of the deceased being recorded in writing can be a headache for the heirs, especially, your children and the widowed spouse of the deceased person. The will is the better mechanism to ensure that decisions about the future of a person's assets are carried out when the person dies, regardless of whether the deceased… Keep reading

Animal abuse

Animal abuse from the perspective of criminal law. Animal abuse is a much broader concept than that which refers only to abandonment or physical violence, thus, In any case of abuse that is witnessed, it is very important to report. In this article we explain how. Protection of domestic animals, increasingly numerous in Spanish homes, It has become a growing concern of society in general and of groups and organizations created for the defense and protection of animals., in particular… Keep reading



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